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Pragati, Koraput with the support of IRRI-CGIAR Seed Equal Initiative organised a state level workshop on “Gender Sensitive Food Systems and Promoting Women Entrepreneurship “ on 7 August 2024, in the auditorium of Krushi Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. Dr. Pravat Kumar Roul, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, OUAT BBSR participated as Honorable guest. The workshop brought together diverse set of stakeholders including Government officials, researchers, development practitioners, women and youth farmers of Koraput district.The workshop focused on Understanding the gender dynamics of seed systems and role of women in the formal and informal seed system through field study, Demonstrate the performance of Indigenous varieties through participatory seed production and Understanding the market dynamics of agri-products of small and marginal farmers. Two study reports namely “Pathways for gender responsive seed systems- An investigative case of Koraput District” and “Value chain analysis- Identifying challenges and exploring opportunities for small and marginal farmers” authored by Pragati, Koraput was released by the Honourable Guests. Ten women farmers i.e. Seed Mothers were also felicitated by the Hon’ble Guests for their contribution in conservation and production of local landraces.

Pragati- Koraput in collaboration with The SELCO Foundation, Odisha has organized a Knowledge Dissemination Workshop on Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) for Livelihoods on 26th July 2024 at DNK Sadbhabana Sabhagruha, Koraput. The objectives of the workshop were to Facilitate knowledge exchange, foster innovation, and promote best practices for renewable energy technologies for livelihood solutions for the small and marginal farmers of Koraput district. Different NGOs and Community-Based Organisations working in the Koraput District participated in the workshop and empowered on adoption of renewable energy Initiatives to combat climate change, promote environmental sustainability, and drive socio-economic development for the vulnerable communities of Koraput district.

In order to promote the utilization of animal energy and showcase the popularization of improved animal-drawn implements in the farmers fields Pragati, Koraput in collaboration with OUAT, Bhubaneswar has organized a field demonstration programme on bullock driven improved farm mechineries on 23rd and 24th July 2024 in Mokaput, Semelaguda, Sandhagúda, Mahadeiput, and Baringpali villages of Kotpad, Borigumma,Jeypore, Koraput and Nandapur blocks of Koraput District. The demonstration programme was facilitated by Pragati in the presence of Dr Ajay Kumar Das, Professor and Officer Incharge, Farm Mechanisation, Dr. Partha Sarathi Swain, Animal scientist, Sri Anshuman Pattnaik, Farm Advisor, Organic farming, Sri. Prabhakar Adhikari, Secretary, Dr. Lunna Panda, Executive Director, Pragati, and Agriculture Overseer of the respective block areas. Dr Ajay Kumar Das, and Dr Partha Sarathi Swain, oriented the farmers on the benefits of using advanced farm mechanisation like the yoke, mould board plough, bullock drawn, and seed cum fertilizer drill, and demonstrated in the farmers field. Dr. Luna Panda successfully coordinated the programme and discussed among the women farmers and FPG members on the proper use of the equipment in their fields which will reduce drudgery, and increase the productivity and income of the small and marginal farmers. Different Farm machineries were also distributed to the participated FPG group.

Pragati, Koraput Secretary and Team leader participated in the 10th World Water Forum held in Bali, Indonesia from 18 to 24th May 2024. The Secretary, Pragati Congratulated The Youth Sanitation Concern, Indonesian Organisation the winner of Kyoto water grand prize 2024, and also represented Pragati in a global forum and shared its grassroots experiences on water conservation and eco-friendly irrigation infrastructure like solar dug-wells which contribute towards the climate change adaptation and the life and livelihood of small and marginal farmers of south Odisha, India.

Jaivik Sri FPC Ltd. Received GI Tag Certificate
Pragati facilitated Jaivik Sri FPC finally received the prestigious GI tag certificate in respect of Koraput Kalajeera Rice with the support of Department of Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment and NABARD, Odisha. This recognition reaffirms the dedication of the tribal farmers of the region to preserve the unique heritage of the traditional rice variety.

"Climate resilient zero energy programme”
Pragati, Koraput with the support of The Dewan Foundation and KARMA launched the “climate resilient zero energy programme” on 16th March 2024 at Sahuput village of Lamtaput block, Koraput District. The launching event was graced by Dr. S. K. Dash, Founder, Centre of Excellence, IIT, Bhubaneswar, and Chairman & Founder, and Mr. Rajesh Dash, Co-Founder, DASH Foundation, Prof. Saroj Nayak. Dean. IIT Bhubaneswar, Mr. Prabhakar Adhikari, Secretary and Dr. Luna Panda, Executive Director, Pragati.
Solar home lighting system have been installed for all 25 households in the village and two farmers have established solar-powered pump sets in their dug wells with the support of Pragati. Dr. S. K. Dash addressed the gathering of villagers and came up with the declaration to adopt Sahuput as a model village. All the households will be digging dug wells with the support of the DASH Foundation, KARMA, and Pragati will support the households for establishment of solar pumps in their respective dug wells. Pragati also planned for create a model for climate resilient crop production for the livelihood of the community. Besides, Dr. Dash also conveyed the message of free health services to be provided to the Sahuput villagers by Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

Farmers Fair cum Seed Mela 2024
Pragati, Koraput, in association with Odisha Millet Mission, RRAN WASSAN, and KARMA, organized a "Farmers Fair cum Seed Mela" on 30th and 31st January 2024 at Nishanimunda, Koraput. Around 1500 farmers from different parts of Odisha and other states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh participated in the event, exchanged their seeds, and shared their experiences. Government officials, agriculture scientists, seed savers, NGOs and FPOS also participated in the event and interacted with farmers. The demonstration stalls were put up by different institutions, KVK, NGOs, and FPOS.
The event was inaugurated in the presence of Honorable Guests Sj. Raghuram Padal, MLA, Koraput, Sj. Pitam Padhi, MLA, Pottangi, Sri Iswar Chandra Panigrahi, Chairman, KCC Bank, Koraput Padmashree Sabaramatee, Dr. Ranjitha Puskur from IRRI.
On the first day, there were three technical sessions, namely Breakout session-I "Seed Systems for Climate Change Adaptation”, the session was facilitated by Mr. Surendra Masti, Managing Director, Jaivik Sri FPC, and chaired by Padmashree Sabaramatee, Sambhav, Nayagarh and Mr. Shankar Pattnaik, Seed Server, Dr. Debabrata Panda, Assistant Professor, CUO, Koraput, Mr. Naresh Biswas, NIRMAN, Madhya Pradesh, Mr. P. Devulu, Sanjivani, Andhra Pradesh and Mr. Krishna Prasad, Sahaja Samrudha, Karnataka, and Mr. Siba Prasad Sahu, Ahinsha Club, Kalahandi were participated as guest speakers and discussed about the different indigenous seeds and its impact on climate change.
Breakout Session- II "Youth in Agriculture Opportunities & Challenges". The session was facilitated by Dr. Luna Panda, Executive Director, Pragati, and chaired by Dr. Nimain Charan Mishra, Retd, Prof OUAT, Bhubaneswar. Mr. Anshuman Patnaik, OSD, Director, Agriculture and Food Production, Bhubaneswar, Mr. Dev Kumar N., Former Director of Extension, UAS Bangaluru, Mr. Tapas Chandra Roy, DPD, ATMA, Koraput, Dr. Ranjita Puskur, Researcher Gender and Livelihoods, IRRI, Mr. Sudam Biswal. Deputy Director, Horticulture, Koraput, and Ms. Marialena Figupredo, Director, TRDWS, Jharkhand, and discussed about the youth federation, conservation and preservation of local landraces, enterprise development.
Breakout Session- III “Women Empowerment and Micro Entrepreneurship”. The session was facilitated by Mr. Pradeepta Kishor Sethi, Team Leader, Pragati, and chaired by Dr. Jhanshi Singh, Semiliguda, Dr. Rudrani Mahanty, Assistant Professor, CUO, Koraput, Mr. Ram Narendra, Samaj Pragati Sahayog, Bastar, Chattisgarh, District Project Manager, OLM, Koraput, Dr. P Sugumaron, Principal Scientist, MCRC, Chennai, Mr. Devendra Pradhan, DDM, NABARD, Koraput, Mr. Balakrishnan S., Sammunnati participated as guest speakers and discussed about conservation of local landraces by the women farmers, soil conservation, organic farming, accessing Govt. Schemes by the women farmers, use of quality seeds, entrepreneurship development, Federation of FPOs, market linkage. Role of Pragati in improving the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers and entrepreneurship development among the women in Koraput district was also discussed during the session. The first day session ended with presentation of breakout sessions and cultural programme organised by Pragati, Koraput.
On the second day, the farmers shared their experiences and also there was a parallel technical session on "Building resilient FPOs for small and marginal farmers”. The session was moderated by Mr. Muralidhar Adhikari, CEO, Jaivik Sri FPC, and chaired by Padmashree Sabaramatee. In the technical session Mr. Balakrishnan S., Sammunnati, Mr. Roshan Karthik, Deputy CEO, ATMA, Koraput, Mr. Krishna Prasad, Sahaja Samrudhha, Dr. Biswanath Sahoo, Senior Scientist and Head, KVK, Koraput participated as guest speakers and discussed about farmers collectives, value addition, marketing, creating youth FPOs, etc. After the session Natural Farming Krushi Ratha was flagged off by KVK Koraput in the presence of Hon’ble Guests. There was also demonstration of Bio- Char, and honey bee rearing.
The valedictory session was facilitated Mr. Prabhakar Adhikari, Secretary, Pragati, and Chaired by Prof. Digambar Satapathy, Chaiman, Pragati. Sri Chandra Sekhar Majhi, Chairperson, Special Development Counsil, Koraput, Ms. Sasmita Meleka, President, Zilla Parishad, Koraput, Dr. P. C. Mohapatro, Director, COATS, Koraput participated as Honorable guests. On this occasion it was decided to send the first offering of Koraput Kalajeera Rice from Sabara Srikhetra to Srikhetra on 1st February 2024. Pragati has been inspired by Padmashree Radhamohan in conservation of forests & biodiversity, organic farming and System of Rice Intensification which has immensely benefitted the small and marginal farmers and forest dependent people of Koraput District. Pragati, has started the Padmashree Radhamohan "Prakruti Seba" Samman in loving memory of Professor Radhamohan. The Award was for the first time conferred on Sri Dharmananda Guntha who has contributed immensely towards the conservation of forests, organic farming, and popularization of the System of Rice Intensification. On the occasion of the "Farmers Fair cum Seed Mela", Pragati also felicitated 15 best practitioner farmers and seed savers of Koraput District.

Offering of Koraput Kalajeera Rice from Sabara Srikhetra to Srikhetra.
Pragati, Koraput facilitated Jaivik Sri Farmers Producer Company offered the Koraput Kalajeera rice from Sabara Sri khetra, Koraput to Sri Jagannath Temple, Administration, Puri. Due to the efforts of Jaivik Sri FPC, Koraput Kalajeera rice renowned for its aroma and cooking quality has received GI tag with the support of NABARD and the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment, Government of Odisha. More than 1000 farmers are growing Kalajeera rice with organic practices. The farmers are also involved in the production and conservation of quality seeds.
The journey started with the offering of Koraput Kalajeera rice in Sabara Srikhetra Koraput through Sri Raghunath Temple, Odagaon, Nayagarh, Sri Jagannath Temple, Ranapur, Nayagarh, KVK, Puri, Maa Bata Mangala temple, Puri to Srikhetra, Puri. A team of 12 farmers along with members of Jaivik Sri FPC delivered the offering of one quintal Koraput Kalajeera rice and organic vegetables produced by the farmers of Sambhab, Nayagarh, at Lord Jagannath temple, Puri, on 2nd February 2024. The initiative will surely benefit the farmers if the demand for this aromatic rice increases, and it will also encourage the farmers to adopt a traditional organic farming method. We are thankful to the NABARD and Department of Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment, Government of Odisha for their support for getting the GI tag which will help in revival and popularisation of Koraput Kalajeera rice and immensely benefit the small and marginal farmers.

"Export Oriented Capacity Development Program for FPOs/FPC/Progressive Farmers (Honey Centric)"
Pragati, Koraput with support of Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India organized "Export Oriented Capacity Development Program for FPOs/FPC/Progressive Farmers (Honey Centric)" on the occasion of the Foundation Day of APEDA on 13 February 2023 at Skill Development Training Centre, Koraput. The programme was facilitated in the presence of Mr. Sandeep Saha, Regional Head Eastern Region APEDA Govt of India, Mr. Murari Mohan Behera, DDM, NABARD, Koraput, Mr. Suresh Chandra Mallik, District Manager, TDCCOL, Koraput, Mr. Roshan Kumar Kartik, Deputy CEO, Odisha Rural Development & Marketing Society, District Supply & Marketing Society, Koraput, Mr. Pradeep Mahanty, Sarvodaya Samiti, koraput, Mr. Prabhakar Adhikari Secretary, Pragati, Koraput and Dr. Luna Panda, Executive Director, Pragati, Koraput, The objective of the programme was to encourage FPOs/FPCs and progressive farmers for their active participation in Agri-export business for the betterment of their livelihoods and discuss the possibilities to bring the honey of Koraput District at the table of export. The progressive farmers and FPOs got the opportunity to share their experiences, problems and needs.